Human beings eat mammalians (goat, sheep, cows, buffaloes, deer etc), avian (chicken, ducks, turkeys etc), reptiles (turtles etc), Pisces (many types of fish), crustaceans (lobster, crabs, prawns etc) and mollusks (clams, octopus, squids etc). We also eat lots of plants and fungi. So, there is nothing bizarre in eating insects. In many parts of the world insects are treated as delicacy. Especially in African countries, South-east Asian nations and China, they eat many animals which are not eaten in other parts of the world. Many types of insects are eaten there. Even dog meat is liked very much in parts of North-eastern part of India and South-east Asian countries.
Dog meat is not acceptable in other part of India, North and South America and in Europe. They also not eat horse meat. But in India cow (beef) is a taboo and in Islamic countries they cannot think to eat pork. So, every part of the world has some taboos in eating matters. Eating insects has been a big taboo but during the time of famine, people are forced to eat everything. They can consume other human’s meat as well, so the little insects become insignificant. I think it is not a matter of like or dislike as our eating habits are mainly decided by our cultural and religious values. Insects are also living creature like us. They can be the source of rich nutritious food. So, one day people would not consider it a taboo to consume food stuffs made from insects.
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