The subject of what the future is going to be like is one that is filled with qualms and sepia tones. Almost every form of media is inundated with worrisome news, from the front pages of newspapers and headlines in digital media. But this is just an illusion when we look at the bigger picture. Things have always gotten better and grander, and that’s the great clue into how the future is going to play out. First and foremost, when we discuss about the future, we not only focus on the developed places of the world but also the developing ones. The world is going to be so much better when we progress as a collective.
The three main areas that are going to influence the future are: artificial intelligence and data, abundance and innovation.
AI and Data
At the center of every revolution, there is a driving force that acts as a catalyst for all other forms of development. In our case today, technology is the reigning force that is going to dictate how things play out in the next, 20, 30 or 50 years. And the early signs of this revolution are starting to show. For example, self-driving cars are going to be rolled out on a commercial scale starting from 2020. Big tech companies such as Google are already predicting the future and investing in the technical aspects of this revolutionary theme using analyzed data. As we consider these changes, various challenges are going to pop up but as ways to strengthen innovation and the technology to be used. The revolution of Artificial Intelligence is going to have the greatest impact so far.
This artificial power will enable us to achieve a world full of modernity while eliminating errors and processes. Almost like the cognitive revolution of our species, this one will cognify everything that was formerly electrified. Automation is going to be applied in every field imaginable such as manufacturing, railways, medicine and construction industry. Animal and human muscle will be replaced by efficient machines and bots that can work round the clock with zero errors. AI will be a combination of virtual minds that can solve problems on their own. AI will therefore be the spine that holds all other technological advancements.
The second revolutionary theme of the future is abundance. Abundance for all will be pivotal in the collective advancement of the species. Through technology, scarce resources can be made accessible to the public. Technology acts as a resource liberating mechanism by enabling more production of goods and services at a cheaper cost per unit. Once there’s plenty for everyone due to reduced costs, abundance is the primary result. According to Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler in Abundance: The Future is Better Than You Think: “Humanity is now entering a period of radical transformation in which technology has the potential to significantly raise the basic standards of living for every man, woman, and child on the planet. Within a generation, we will be able to provide goods and services, once reserved for the wealthy few, to any and all who need them. Or desire them. Abundance for all is actually within our grasp.” When all can enjoy abundance, innovation is what will take place next.
The final theme for the future is innovation. Over the last decade, innovation in software communication has connected the world in a way that could only have happened in a dream in the last 40 years. Today, social networks have created a platform where people from all over the world can share information and connect with each other. Innovation in various fields will continue to open up the world and solve challenges. The future will rely on sound innovation that provides solutions to everyday problems that we face. Through positive innovation, humanity will progress and eliminate all the shackles that bind us today.
As someone that hates driving, I personally can't wait for automated cars to be commonplace. I really don't feel safe driving around on the road with other people, especially these days with everyone doing stupid things like texting while driving ortaking phone calls, etc. Even something as simple as a parent trying to make their kids in the back seat calm down can lead to a fatal crash, but in the age of AI this can be avoided entirely, go ahead and text while your car drives you to work, be drunk and don't kill me in the process.