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RE: Guess I Was Right About Tesla

in #technology7 years ago

Brilliant Article and couldn't have said it better myself: "a science meme ready to collapse"

. What do you think about the LENR cold fusion open source projects and numerous endeavors in the direction of Free Energy? (which has been squelched in the past with the outlawing of hemp, which was proposed for fuel as per the vision of revolutionary Henry Ford)

Tesla may very well be a Clap Trap for investors, I think that the world we live in we could scrap all that we know about cars and strap 4 hydraulic pumps/motors, one in each hub (akin to the Ohlins Front Drive/Two Wheel drive r1) of the car wheels, and power them all by an electric motor, which would essentially be a matter of changing the brushes and dropping the hubs to service the motors, but then again why keep rolling around on asphalt on four wheels if not simply for the experience of it because the monopoly of transportation exists in the current state until Zero-G is acknowledged publicly.