Very interesting interview. I liked the part about his AI self. Now that would be something. t reminds me of when one of my children ask me how I did this or that when I was younger. And of course I have to say, "That was not a thing when I was younger." Technology as well as many things we were once just getting to know more about, have changed so much over the years. It wasn't too long ago if someone mentioned cars driving themselves, people would have thought no way and if someone was talking to a computer or phone they would have been stared at. Now it's the norm. Can't wait to see what happens next.
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I completely agree. The same could likely be said for cell phone technology. I got my first cell phone (a flip phone) in 2005, and it was incredibly different than the smart phones of today. It'll be crazy to look back 10 years from now.
I think it will be interesting changes 10 years from now. Haha I remember the flip phones it was the first one I had that I didn't pocket dial everyone. I remember my first phone away from home was a big clunky bag phone you could only use in vehicle. Wow that was a long time ago. Technology sure has changed.