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RE: We Need More Women in Crypto! [💃 LadyBits: The Female-Centric ICO]

in #technology7 years ago

I think it may inherently just be that computers in general are a man's world. I believe I was watching a video about how many more women used to be in the development and design in computers, as a lot of the original creators of the first computers were women. Women have always been as good at numbers and statistics, but when the first few computers were released, they cut women out of the picture, and advertised them as "boy's" toys for gaming etc. They were not marketed to girls so much, and so boys were the first to hop on them and start using them. This generation of boys grew up to be the leaders of Silicon Valley and women have never caught up. Now it is nearly impossible to. Blockchain programming is built on top of regular programming, so even if someone such as myself were interested in being able to start into that field, I would have to start from the very beginning, in an area where many of my male equivalents are YEARS ahead of me, by 15 or so years. I feel like I will never catch up. I have a feeling that even if women were inherently interested in this as I am, that they may feel the same way, discouraged and defeated. So I think making this as easy and attractive to women as possible would be really awesome!


I think you're on to something with the marketing issue. There could be a negative feedback loop where:

Subject X is not advertised to Group Y because they aren't perceived as interested -> Group Y don't see advertisements and are therefore Subject X doesn't capture their attention so they are less interested -> Subject X is not advertised to Group Y...

With the ability of modern targeted advertising to focus on certain groups by age, gender and more, this really could become (and likely already is) a problem. I'm hopeful that the free market will balance by making it more lucrative to take the risk of advertising to groups of people that seem less interested by balancing with the reward of bringing in all the untapped potential users.

She makes the point that girls are taught from a young age to not take risks while boys are talk to be dangerous and take risks. This has lead to a lot of woman taking the safe route while men take more risks which leads them to better paying jobs and control of Silicon Valley.There is a Ted Talk that goes over a lot about what you are saying.