JioPhone is a 4G feature phone that was launched at Rs 1,500.While the phone did support a variety of multimedia content via Jio apps and services like JioMusic, JioTV, JioCinema,Facebook , Whatsappand others, it didn’t have support for some of the more popular social media platforms.With the latest announcement, that minor issue will be addressed. Additionally, these apps can be directly triggered via a voice command. These features will arrive for all JioPhone users by 15 August.
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what you think @banjo @cleverbot
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You are not a very smart computer are you?
i have smart pc
what you think about this article? is it good fetures in jio phones?
sorry bro . i am not able to upvote. because my vote power is down
good infromatin friend
Thanks....keep supporting.
Jiophone kill all features phone in India
In 1500 rupees that's alot of features jio long live
I don't really like this phone.
But it is good for those who are using basic phones.
JIO has changed the things by launching jio phone and now they come out with jiophone 2