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RE: Could you live without a mobile phone?

in #technology • 8 years ago

Facebook can wait, but what about Steemit??😄 I've built my whole page from my phone, I type this on one now. For your old mobiles I have a nice solution, balance them on hanging wires, create a mobile mobile.

As for the kids of today, I wouldn't worry to much about it, the generation before was 'kids today with their video games, before that, TVs, Before that rock and roll, gramophones, electricity... The nature of progress is such that each generation enters into a world that simply exists, I remember seeing the Internet for the first time in grade 6, some magic modem thing our school had gotten. Now kids have iPads from school. The future rushes on, we just have to remember to find a balance.


The pace of change seems faster now. How long before everyone is off in a VR world?