I disagree with your basic assumptions.
People don't need a job to live.
They need food, shelter and clothing.
This job thing only came about because of the industrial revolution.
Everyone in america should own their own home.
Not as in something they should do, but in, that we have already paid for all the homes three times over. It is only a game of the banks that we have not.
Mortgage means, in French, death note. Or you will pay until you are dead.
Any banker dealing in such things should be put to death. (murder is a capital offence)
The brain is not where thoughts happen. Building a brain with electronics is just building a self-modifying robot. The spark of innovation is not there.
Yes, there are computers that replicate ingenuity.
But they simply take preconceived note patterns and replicate them into a song.
In other terms, sure they can come up with pop songs, but they can't do rock.
I didn't see the disagreement, as far as the economics goes. I agree with you that people don't need a job to live and that what they need is food, shelter, clothing, etc. My post's purpose is to encourage this kind of thinking: how can we provide for people's needs if they don't have jobs?
I think you should read more about the one and only visionaries and futurist Jacque Fresco, a self-taught industrial designer, who promoted an alternative society where resources would be distributed equitably by computers...
One of his video about it:
Yep, I'm volunteering for The Venus Project to help make a beautiful future happen.