Just some thoughts about tech, the world and people.
The way of the DAO.
I'm just writing this to you all because I am just so excited. Decentralization is the vision I got and it is starting to become this way.
Craig Steven Wright) Satoshi Nakamoto, there's a scattering of some sort of funny money all over the place! More and more fragmentation is on the way and in the same time convergence is happening as well. What is this?As beautiful coincidal it is with the [TAO] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao). Think of the Chinese TAO. Spoken as DAO. As in DAO is the way, . Or maybe the Tao Te Ching. And indeed, it seems like the yin and yang will come back in this whole financial mess that is this so called ((free market) world) economy. And now, thanks to a man called (
Is the singularity really near?
If you are reading this then you must be interested in the whole ongoing crypto-blockchain-bitcoin technology and that's very good. I don't know if you're a trader, a miner, some techie or developer. Maybe you are an entrepreneur or even an investor, a writer or blogger, maybe you're a spaceman, tychonaut or even an alien. Decentralization is the way and anyone can participate. I can imagine all sorts of things happening in our future.
The first time I heard about a decentralized exchange I was very excited. It was the openledger.
It was only five months ago and I was amazed at how nice it looks but only to find out that it was a bit too difficult to operate. Of course it was still under heavy development.
Just a couple of days ago I came back at the exchange because I heard that OPEN.DAO could be traded there with OPEN.ETH and I was amazed at how much progress they made. It was somewhat easier to understand its interface and to navigate. Now, they even have a trollbox! It was during a the trollbox chat that I came to realize how little I knew about this so called decentralized exchange. I was trying to explain where the keyfile is residing before you download it but I couldn't give a precise answer to this. So I have made some transactions and did some trading and the handling went very smooth and all but still..
How does this decentralized exchange actually work?
Of course this is something that I eventually will find out. Maybe even with some help from you with some helpful links or other suggestions.
I have come a long way and there is a lot to find out and to explore and I love it. But not everyone is as eager. Some will be overwhelmed by it and it will just be too much. For some not everything is as obvious. Some can't understand the technology or some can't even understand the interface of some application or website. Some don't even understand at all what the enthusiasm is all about. It can be looked upon as a tulip thing.
Like I said in the beginning centralization is the vision I have but I also have a vision of autonomous self sustaining communities as in real world communities that is the village, the city and even the tribes that live in the Amazon.
What I mean to say is that we should be thoughtful for those not as tech savvy we all are. Please be mindful and be the way!