Haven't read this post yet- but when I clicked over- the page magically landed on your response.
and most Jews just go along with it.
YOU ARE WRONG. most Jews do not just go along with it. MOST JEWS BELIEVE IT 100%. Even the Jews who were not raised with religion, even the Jews who aren't really Jewish- but come from a Family with a few Jews. Event the JEWS who have never SET FOOT in a SYNAGOGUE Once in their Life- They ALL BELIEVE IT! So imagine the power of the Brainswahing for those who are Religious Jews - or those Jews that come over here from ISRAEL. IT'S POWERFUL BRAINWASHING & DEEP DEEP HYPNOSIS They're in, in regards to this. How on Earth do you think it is possible for JEWS from Israel to Move to the USA- live here for 20+ Years- then when their OWN kids, Born & Raised in THE USA- reach 18-19-20- They send their KIDS BACK to ISRAEL as Cannon Fodder- for a few Years Service in the Israeli Military. It's a Badge Of HONOR for their sons to back to Israel & put a few years service in with the Israeli Defense Forces.