Electronic wallets used in Venezuela.

in #technology3 years ago


Greetings to all my dear readers and followers of this valuable community, continuing with my publications today I will share with all of you how important it is at the present time to have electronic wallets in Venezuela, this in order to be able to operate with electronic dollars without the need for the Venezuelan government to have control over these resources.

It is well known that the Venezuelan economy has been hit hard due to economic policies that have generated this problem, this has caused that the salaries paid by private and public companies are not enough to cover the basic needs of households, which is why parents are forced to look for other income alternatives to cover these basic needs in every home.

One of the alternatives that has emerged in recent months has been cryptocurrencies, these have undoubtedly brought a great degree of tranquility in many households since this world allows generating income higher than the salaries paid in Venezuela, NFT games are the main source of income through cryptocurrencies and in order to have access to them you must have electronic wallets that allow using the electronic dollars that can be generated from these games. There are several wallets that allow transferring these resources and being able to dispose of them immediately.


Within the conglomerate of electronic wallets that allow to operate with digital currencies we have, Zelle; Reserve, Bancumbre, Koroto App, AKB Fintech and Orinoco.io, these are some of the many wallets that exist and are the most used in Venezuela to be able to have the resources generated in the blockchain or simply by remittances sent by family members who are outside the country. In my particular case I use Orinico.io on some occasions, because it is very safe and the attention offered by its operators in case of any inconvenience is very timely and most importantly help to solve the problem, the only observation I could have of this wallet are the high commissions it has.

Another wallet that I used at some point was Reserve, this is a very secure mobile application that allows receiving and sending digital currencies to other wallets, for example at the moment we can receive from the Zelle wallet which is widely used to send dollars from the United States, also their commissions are very low compared to other wallets. The only limitation I see is that your registration must be through an invitation from a user already registered and with several operations performed.

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So good, all it is true

Greetings, yes indeed it is all very true that is why we must look for alternatives.