Is there really a curve???

in #technology7 years ago

The post is in context of curve in technology and form factor related to mobile phones... Please comment if you like the post...

The technology space works in a manner that each thing, no matter how revolutionary it is, has a life span. Life span may be long for some things like CDs/DVDs, or short for things like floppy disks. The pace of technological advancement is very fast now a days and also hard to predict. Each new advancement also brings with it an end to existing things which were once considered to be an advancement. 10 years ago, Apple introduced a revolutionary device, the "iPhone", which totally changed the way we look at phones. That was also an end for feature phones with keypad. And it is what we call a "curve".

Tech giants are always looking for the curve...
Tech giants are very obsessed with the curve, not just because it gives them an edge in the market but also because their survival is dependent on it. It is not only applicable to tech companies. Anyone who misses the curve is bound to fail, and that's bad.

We have seen many examples of big corporations who did not see the curve coming and lost control. Yahoo?... Mobile division of Nokia?... Windows on Mobile...?

Go with the curve... or create one...

In order to stay relevant in the market, there are simply two rules to follow:

  1. Create a curve.
  2. If rule 1 is not applicable, follow the curve.

Change is the essence of everything. Without regular updation, upgradation, it is hard to stay in the highly competitive market. And it is getting much harder than that.

There is not a single curve...

It might seem easy to hear that yes there is a curve and you have to follow that but it is hell lot of a task, because there is not just one, but many, and each of the one needs investment of money and lots and lots of time. The biggest challenge here is "Time" because "it can't be bought with money". In order to follow the road, one would have to make a prediction (based on study, research and knowledge, of course) about the route, well in advance and that prediction can not be a single one, because world may go anywhere, not just where you have predicted because... someone else may create a different curve. That's why a prediction is always a prediction, because there can be many outcomes. Even if you try to create a curve, it doesn't mean that world will follow.

Is it the time?

The question is that whether is it time for tech world to see a curve or are we already on one? Many say that mobile phones, in the present form factor have been there for long enough. But why would someone try to change that perfect form factor when most of the consumers are satisfied with what they have. A mobile device with a large screen, good camera, apps, social media, internet, productivity, work, relations, navigation all packed in a single device. How do you even imagine something better having a better form factor than what we have today, that can replace a mobile phone? And remember, improvement in technology on a daily basis doesn't always create a curve.

May be the mobile phone form factor is really so perfect that even Apple didn't tried to change it with iPhone X.

What could be beyond the curve?

Whatever that is, it needs to have all the features of a smartphone added with extra features, comfort or anything to be a change. For instance if we see wearable technologies, how would they address the problem of simplicity of interacting with the device if it does not have a screen, or if we have to wear it on our face to interact with it then how are you gonna solve the problem of taking a selfie? Or how to play games on it? How to type a message on the device without speaking??? And there are lots more...Trust me...lots more!!!

There may be chances that we already have a perfect form factor and may continue for years to come even when tech giants try to change the course of the world with new form factors due to their fear of following the road and to stay relevant. If devices with foldable screens really fancy you, it still doesn't guarantee that it will change the course because if it was that simple, apple would have already released a device on its iPhone's 10th anniversary OR they may have missed the curve already.

What do you think? Are we on a curve or there is a straight path ahead? Share your thoughts in the comments...


Your post is very nice,i m very happy reading your post,thanks for posting........

Thanks @islamkha for your comment. I appreciate you liked the post.