God forbid the day should come when war will be with AI as Man's opponent.
Imagine an earth where the dominant power is not a sentient organic race but a mere electronically controlled mechanical collection of AI bots, mining, designing, manufacturing and powering themselves into the future based on the deep-learning capacities we've built into them.
They may be capable of intergalactic travel and domination.
An ominous dark imagining of the Stargate author come true.
God forbid the day should come when war will be with AI as Man's opponent.
Imagine an earth where the dominant power is not a sentient organic race but a mere electronically controlled mechanical collection of AI bots, mining, designing, manufacturing and powering themselves into the future based on the deep-learning capacities we've built into them.
They may be capable of intergalactic travel and domination.
An ominous dark imagining of the Stargate author come true.