Understanding Artificial Intelligence

in #technology6 years ago

People often ask questions like What is AI? How are AI's being built? As for some developers their questions would be What language was used in building AI ? How do I make my AI Smart?

Well am going to answer these questions in the below paragraphs. Now let's start

What is AI?:

First, AI is an acronym for Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is intelligence exhibited by machines, in contrast to intelligence displayed by humans or animals.

How are AI's built?:

AI's are built under a platform called the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), this is where all the commands are imputed like how to recognize a dog, cat, or other animals in a picture or video also speech/voice recognition for humans, image recognition, data analysis, and so on.

AI's are built to solve problems.


What is Artificial Neural Network?:

A Computer system designed on how the human brain works and its interaction with its nervous system. Consider this, As humans, our bodies collects sensory inputs such as sight, sound and touch, our brains then takes that data and makes sense of it, thereby turning light into recognizable objects and sounds into understandable speech. Our brains then makes decisions, sending signals to the brain to command movements like picking up an object or speaking.

Artificial Intelligence is like our brains, making sense of data's that has been imputed and deciding what action to perform.


Programming Languages used in building AI's:

To program an AI, you will need to understand programming languages like Python, Prolog, AIML, Lisp, and so on. Its not easy to learn all the languages, you could just decide to learn just AIML and Python and use that knowledge to build an Artificial Intelligence ChatBots just like the Messenger ChatBots, Telegram ChatBots with more specified function of your own. For certain a man cannot know everything all. Also you have to learn to Google Search and watch video tutorials on YouTube so you could be better.

How to train your AI?:

Basically, to train your AI, you have to feed your AI with huge amount of algorithmic data allowing the algorithm to adjust itself and improve. Also to make your AI smarter, you have to feed it with recent information from around the globe.

Hope you all enjoyed this short article, I hope to see your comments below.
