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RE: The Dangers of Amazon's Global Domination

Corporations are not the destroyer of “mom and pop” business, at least not directly used to be. Society has changed it self has changed. Industrial revolution really was the first corporations. As small community’s collapsed and cities grew so did the potential for lager entities to prey upon greed. A small community with families all working together and trading wears would essentially be self sustainable, infact aside from wars, mankind has sustained themselves this way for a long time. But industrial revolution changed the fabric of how we lived. Cities became huge, wealth made individuals powerful what once was only achieved by political systems. For the first time in history you could just move to a city and work as an individual and support your self. Do this on a massive scale and you have what we have today. A society of individuals drunk on greed to get an ever greater profit. The Industrial Age never stopped it just changed forms where as most affluent nations developed greater technology and became and industry of information leaving the physical industry (building stuff) to less wealthy countries. There’s always been global trade, nows there more of it. Yes corporations are more powerful than ever bit they are only as powerful as what we buy. People are more self centered now than other which feeds power to corporations. The more humans want and greed for wealth the more there will be some group or individual willing to sell it. Can it be fixed? Only when people stop their selfish ways. Will it ever stop? Actually it will because selfish ways are toxic and will eventually implode.