From CryptoGlobe
Civic, a blockchain company specializing in identity management, recently announced its acquisition of “Identity.com.” Civic’s founder and CEO Vinny Lingham commented he “never thought we’d get it”, with “it” being ownership rights to the Identity.com domain.In June 2017, Civic reportedly managed to raise $33 million in Civic tokens (CVC), which was notably eight days before the launch of its official initial coin offering (ICO). Funds raised from the token sale went toward implementing a decentralized identity verification ecosystem. By using this system, third parties such as requesters and validators can make attestations regarding people’s identities.
An Open-Source Verification Ecosystem
Civic’s main objective is to give its users full control over their personal information, including the ability to monitor processes required to accurately verify their identity. Commenting on his company’s acquisition of identity.com, Lingham noted that he always thought the domain name was ideal for promoting his decentralized identity management platform.In an official Civic.com blog post, the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) supporter wrote that identity.com will be a “first-of-its-kind” decentralized system that will allow for “on-demand, secure identity verification.” He added:
Identity.com is designed to connect users, requesters, and validators around the world to enable reusable identity verification, powered by Civic tokens (CVCs). This ecosystem allows individuals, companies, and other entities to interact easily and safely in the digital world.
Vinny Lingham
Blockchains and identity verification have always seemed like a natural fit to me. With such a major domain I think this project may have legs.
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that wad good!