Movim - Federated Open Source social media platform welcomes Tumblr refugees

in #technology6 years ago

Tumblr recently announced they will ban all adult content from their platform starting December 17th, a move that has surprised many people because Tumblr has become a bit infamous as a platform for adult content, especially after Twitter and Google's Blogger announced they will stop allowing adult content on their platforms, so Tumblr was one of the few big social media sites left that seemed to embrace adult content.

After the announcement, many people joked that instead Tumblr is announcing the complete shutdown of the service, because without adult content, there would be nothing left. That's tongue in cheek of course, Tumblr is used for all kinds of things like all social media sites and at one point many companies had a blog there, although now Medium is the goto place for that. I had a Smalltalk-80 programming blog on Tumblr many years ago, when it was still new.

Tumblr has said in their blog they are doing this to make Tumblr a more welcoming place for more people, but since this announcement came so shortly after Apple banned the Tumblr app from the iOS App Store because of illegal pornography on the service, it's hard not to see a connection there. So maybe, instead of just banning illegal porn, out of desperation they thought it's better to just ban all explicit images and videos to save their brand.

Only time will tell if this will work out, or if it backfires and Tumblr, after losing such a big portion of its userbase, will slowly die off completely.


Due to this move by Tumblr, lots of people have been looking for an alternative and the best alternative to a centralized service is always a decentralized service, so it's interesting to see that Movim, a federated Open Source social media platform, has written a blog post where they welcome refugees from the great Tumblr purge and try to explain why Movim is a great alternative to Tumblr.

Screenshot_2018-12-04 Movim – Responsive web-based cross-platform XMPP client.png

Movim is built on open standards, namely XMPP, Atom and PubSub. Movim can be used as a website, but there are also apps available for macOS, Windows, Linux and Android.

You can register a free account on a number of public servers, including a few provided by the Movim project itself, or run your own server with the Movim software.

Here is a short introduction video of Movim:

If you're interested in decentralized social networks, I've written articles about a few: Mastodon, Secure Scuttlebutt, Aether and Akasha.



Nice one ! I really like the federated approach for social media platforms. The only question I have is : will the movim declaration reach the general public ?

I am really not sure of that ...

Maybe not Movim specifically, but there are so many developers and companies behind the decentralization movement now that in my opinion it's safe to say decentralization will take over in a few years. Hopefully full decentralization (like Secure Scuttlebutt) where every node has the same power, not federation where you have super nodes, but even that would be a huge improvement. Even the creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee is part of the movement and browser vendors like Firefox and Brave have shown interest in adding decentralization technology like IPFS and Dat to the browser.

I think the only reason why decentralization has not taken off yet is that the internet in general has moved from the desktop to mobile devices, mainly smartphones and full decentralization is a lot harder on a smartphone. But it does work, Secure Scuttlebutt has a mobile app now called Manyverse, ZeroNet has been running on phones for years... It just all needs a bit more work, but we're getting really close I believe.

Thank yoy, very interesting, you may also find some crypto networks here Following you ;-)