Why Amd Is Better

in #technology3 years ago

I've done a lot of research on the matter, and here's what it comes down to Intel vs AMD for me. PCIE Gen 4 is a novelty, but for windows boot partitions it is nice. Ignore the PCIE 4 lanes for GPU, it will have almost no effect. Also, from what I have seen, performance is going to be very similar for 99% of games due to GPU being used more.

Now why would Intel or AMD be better? Well, the Intel chips can be undervolted with Throttlestop, and this will lead to lower temps overall. The AMD chips have more power per watt though, which means you can lock at 45-60W and it will have the same performance as the Intel at 80ish watts, due to 7nm. This is why I think overall the AMD chips will be better, even though spec wise Intel wins in my opinion.