The usage of technology, such as mobile phones, in reaching out the electrical activities at home could help surpass the absence of the homeowners in controlling the appliances and monitors the power consumption and used outlets in order to prevent electrical mishaps such as overloading that may cause fire. With this, the safety of the electrical exposure is attainable at the very reach of the palm. By using gadgets that the most people are now engaged to could help prevent accidents and could allow the homeowners to monitor electrical appliances efficiently. Employing a GSM for controlling and monitoring features and IoT for data logging feature helps the homeowners to efficiently direct electrical activities.
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Hi, daisydelta! I just resteemed your post!
I can also re-steem and upvote some of your other posts
introduction postCheck out @resteemyou's'
I love technology and all of the benefits it can bring. When discussing 'smart' tech. we need to stay mindful of who is on the other side of this tech and whether or not they have our best interests in mind.
Please do your research into 5G and IOT, both deeply related to the tech. that is currently emerging.
Also, check out the InPower Movement.
Truly, IoT is very convenient now especially when technology now is a trend.thanks