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RE: Coding Journal #1 - Starting From The Bottom

in #technology5 years ago

I think Python is a great language to learn for understanding the overall program logic flow and understanding how programming works. I have only started using it heavily in the past couple years, but it is one of my favorites. If you get in quickly, you may be able to get access to this free online course "Automate the boring stuff with python programming" here

For doing blockchain contracts, solidity is really the language for that. There are a couple options though, and I have been looking at Vyper, which is a pythonic smart contract language.

So many things are web-based, so I don't think you can go wrong with HTML and CSS with JavaScript too. web3 and solidity are very javascript oriented, so I think that is probably a good one to pick up too. Plus none of those are really much like Python, so I think it wouldn't be too confusing to try at the same time. Especially HTML and CSS since those are markup languages, not programming.

Just my $.02, Happy Coding!


Yeap, i really wanted to start with solidity but i've heard that it may be too much for a beginner and i'd would still have plenty of time to catch up if the demand increases.

Haven't heard too much about Vyper, what are the key differences compared to Solidity?

And, what IDE do you use for Javascript?

Solidity is really the standard smart contract language. I'm guessing as far as what most people would expect to know, it would be solidity. Vyper is supposed to have been designed to be more readable and auditable and ultimately more secure but at the cost of some features. I don't know any of the specifics and haven't really programmed much of either. I only lean towards vyper personally because it is a little more like python and therefore a little more comfortable for me.

As far as IDEs, I typically just use vim in a terminal. But I am a nerd, so most people probably wouldn't do that. For python, I have started using PyCharm. I know the pro version offers a lot of other syntax checking including JavaScript. I think JetBrains has a stand-alone JavaScript IDE too. I've never used it though.

Not technically an IDE, but there seems to be some decent love for Atom.

Another one that is pretty popular that I think does JavaScript is Visual Studio Code. I am mostly a Linux purest so have never used it myself, but it seems to have a decent following too.

Eclipse is another one primarily used for Java, however they have plugins for everything and I'm sure JavaScript is one.

There are probably a ton more, those are just the ones with which I am familiar off the top of my head.

I've already downloaded PyCharm and VSCode for JavaScript.

Here's my final choice and my reasoning behind it.

I'll learn JavaScript, HTML and CSS because it appears that there are more local jobs and remote ones as well that require that skill so i'll get over the steep learning curve as quickly as possible.

Then ,as a side hobby, learn the basics of Solidity, which doesn't have a lot of demand yet but i'm assuming that it will be more demand in the future (it's a gamble yeah).