The World of Technology

in #technology7 years ago

It's the Final Count Down

The World of Technology:

The evolution of Technology and its integration into our everyday life has been subtle to most, but seen as extraordinary to some. As we enter into 2018, many changes are on the horizon. These changes are inevitably going to impact our lives. The IoT, or “The Internet of Things”, will be instrumental in bring about this change. (IOTA)

Picture a world in which the unseen realities you pass through everyday are controlled by SoC’s (Systems on a Chip) that anticipate your every move. As you pull into your driveway, your garage door knows to open. As you enter through your door, the lights kick on in sequence. Kicking on and off in the sequence you pass from room to room. You simply say the word Music outloud and your system powers on. A song comes to mind, you say the title or sign a verse and, you’re singing along to that song over your sound system.

Manufacturing and distribution will be revolutionized. The science behind the IoT stems for a recent Technological finding that an IP (Internet Protocal) address can be assigned to every atom on the face of the earth. To some this statement might not be as relevant. To some, this shatters the concept of “reality” to pieces. From an efficiency and tracking perspective this is a historic finding.

While most were wrapped up in the every ensuing “End of the World” predictions. Worrying about everything that “could” happen, business continued as always. There is an old saying in the show biz industry “The show must go on”. I feel safe in saying, this same ideology can be applied to business and the current structure of Capitalism as it relates to commerce. I’m sure we all heard the RFID craze, and how it’s the mark of the beast, and the Government is going to chip and track our every moves. I reached a conclusion. This is a perfect example of the system instilling Fear into the people as the appropriate People/Companies are in the restructuring phase. As they adhere to their strict desire to operate behind the proverbial “curtain”. Why do they do this? Why don’t they want the average Joe to be able to clearly see what they have in store for them?

I wish I had the answer to that question. When I do, reset assure, you will be the first to hear it! However, it is my assumption, that like everything else in this corrupt world, it all about the Money.

I for one am looking very forward to this cutting edge, superior technology is slowly bleed into our society. Motion tracking, Drones in flight, people in constant contact sharing ideas, and collaborating on the fly better ways of doing things. Open Source Computing- The ultimate tool for the never ending question to acquire knowledge and a higher understanding.

Fear, I refuse to accept or live in it’s grasps any longer. If you are an open minded, warm hearted person the future is yours for the taking. Are you going to sit on the sidelines, or help usher in and create a reality that you can truly call your own?