Responding to Emails, Messages, and Never-Ending Notifications: How Should You Deal With Digital Stress?

in #technology5 years ago (edited)

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In today’s world, a lot of people see their phones as extensions of themselves. It’s because of this that many individuals are rarely found without their digital attachment. Among the onslaught of emails, texts, calls, and other digital notifications, the age of technology that we live in can often feel overwhelming.

As someone working in the marketing field for many years now, I know that separating from your devices is easier said than done. However, there is a way to manage your digital communication in a way that allows you to utilize the technology without feeling as though you can’t escape screens. As someone who relies on digital communication every day to run my business, I’m often asked about responding to emails, messages, and never-ending notifications. The question is… how should you deal with digital stress?

Schedule You Screen Time

Quitting technology cold turkey is neither an easy nor feasible option. I run my business from my devices and simply don’t have the capability to eliminate my screen time. However, I have found that scheduling my screen time and sticking to that schedule is one of the biggest factors in helping me feel less chained to them. Rather than reaching for my phone first thing in the morning, I allow myself time to wake up, get dressed, and drink coffee before even beginning to attach myself to the tasks at the other end of the device. Likewise, at the end of the workday, I put the phone down and turn the ringer off. While I might check in before going to sleep to ensure no tasks needs an immediate response, I refuse to allow my phone to be ever-present in my life.

Separate Screens

It’s easy for your phone to feel like an extension to your work. Unfortunately, that means that work is always with you. No matter how much you love what you do, separating work and free time is important for anyone. I personally do this by having two separate devices. If I’m hoping to get away and spend time focused on friends or family, I simply don’t keep my work device on me. If you don’t have access to a separate device, simply turn notifications off on the applications you use for work when you’re not in “work mode”.

Non-Digital Hobbies

It’s important to have hobbies that get you up and away from your screens. Whether you’re a runner, a cross-stitcher, or a chef, finding a task that actively removes you from the onslaught of digital notifications is important for your well-being. While I’m a leading marketing entrepreneur, I also understand the importance of balancing work and life. One way to destress is by committing to a workout routine that works for you. If you don't seem to find time to workout, you might want to try the standing desk revolution.

Turn It Off
Last but certainly not least, turn your phone off. I used to let my phone run all night, lighting up and keeping me awake stressing over whether or not I was sleeping through an important update or was needed. That’s unhealthy and, at the end of the day, slows your productivity down in the long run. The next day needs you at your best self and staying awake all night checking in on your emails, messages, and other notifications is not setting you up for success.

If you’re interested in learning more about what I do, you can check out my interview with