While I think AI are becoming more advanced, I think they still have a long way to go to reach the same level as humans in some areas.
I am curious how the AI will perform in other, harder games though. Recently Deepmind (the Google AI that beat the champion at Go) has been aimed at Starcraft 2. However currently it stands absolutely no chance against human players as there is too much to manage and millions upon millions of different situations.
While Dota is not an easy game, it is a very easy game comparatively to Starcraft 2 and some other games. While many of us have memories of getting beaten by AI (flashbacks to Age of Empires when I was younger.....), most of these AI follow pre-determined patterns or have advantages (such as map vision, or bonus resources). An AI in a game like Starcraft 2 that can actually counter a human without handicaps is still far away. But I hope to see it soon!
Just my two cents on the situtation :) Will be interesting to see where these AI go in the future, and how long it will take them to conquer more video game goals!