Is anyone on STEEM capeable of building this??
The HOON Generator Scam. . .
Real project:
Is anyone on STEEM capeable of building this??
The HOON Generator Scam. . .
Real project:
The second one will not work too. Please show me the equations, as well as a cost-benefit analysis.
Work together here. . NOT looking for what won't work: What will work is the question?
Then please show me it will work. Please convince me it will.
I can not show how to create free energy. . . This is a question:
How can we officially release free energy?
The answer is: no, we can't. There is not such a thing as a free lunch :)
Hey lemouth, agreed on the no free lunch, I think we can find a better way to capture the energy though. If you haven't had a chance to read it I would appreciate your thoughts on my e=mc^2 article, I go into another explanation in "would you like to resonate" too. (I'll check out your stuff if you writing in these areas, always enjoy nee ideas and thought processes)
Better for sure, but not free. I will have a look to your E=mc^2 article tonight (need to go to work now :) )
The Serl Effect Generator is legit and John Searl has a spring valley, ca shop that needs funding to build another serl effect generator to use as a 15kw prototype generator
If anyone has any information progressing the free energy cause feel free to expose for the benefit of humanity
If you're interested in new forms of capturing energy I write about that fairly often. If you want some good reads on magnetics check out the Searl Effect might find it interesting. Based on the Tesla foundation of electricity. I'll follow you interested to see what other thoughts you have on energy alternatives.
nothing is free