U.S. Military Unveils New Tactical Augmented Reality Display

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

Just last week, the U.S. military unveiled a prototype for an augmented reality technology that they soon hope to outfit their soldiers with in order to supposedly enhance their vision.

The technology is referred to as Tactical Augmented Reality or TAR and it looks just like an eyepiece that gets mounted to the soldier's helmet. It also has a thermal site that gets mounted onto the weapon and it's connected wirelessly to a tablet that the wearer has on their waist.

See a video of how it looks here: http://bit.ly/2rI2gSg

The TAR tool can project maps, locations of allies or enemies, and provide night vision to the wearer. It can even provide details on the distance to the target that the wearer has in their sights. And researchers admit that they have recently started using the TAR system.

Might this technology make the warfare experience more game-like? And if so in that end, might it have any effect on the rate of PTSD suffered by those in the military? Maybe if they had more fun engaging in many of the unjust, unconstitutional and illegal wars, by using TAR technology, then perhaps they wouldn't be so guilt-ridden over their actions?

After troops come back home from taking part in wars overseas, many of them are likely to suffer with PTSD, end up homeless, or end-up committing suicide. It's estimated that at least 22 veterans take their own lives every single day.

But at least while they are engaging in warfare for the state, the TAR wants to be able to enhance their situational awareness and help to increase the mission success.

The TAR was just demonstrated last week in Washington, D.C., and it might not be very long before the soldiers start getting equipped with this technology. The plan is for the TAR to replace the GPS system that they currently use, providing them with a much more efficient tool to use.

The TAR isn't the only attempt to outfit soldiers with an augmented reality display either. There have been other developments in this area as well, competing with the TAR system, and they are technology developments like the ARC 4, HUNTER, and Ultra-Vis.

US Army


https://sputniknews.com/military/201705261054011262-augmented-reality-battlefield-game/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4546100/US-troops-tactical-augmented-reality.html http://breakingdefense.com/2014/05/darpas-wearable-display-augments-reality-for-foot-troops/ https://www.ara.com/projects/arc4-heads-move-augmented-reality-technology https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/what-doesnt-kill-us/201112/guilt-may-be-top-factor-in-ptsd http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/21/us/22-veteran-suicides-a-day/

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Thank you for sharing information

Its crazy, really its so crazy!!

Soldiers walking around in exo skeleton armor suits with this on night vision mode. Murica bitches

Ufff, it's very crazy, I like it hahaha

I have just upvoted your post and followed you.Wow, this is the coolest thing I have ever seen! I mean, I swear that I have been thinking about something exactly like this! Thanks for sharing this awesome post, @doitvoluntarily :)

Now lets hook it up to robot foot soldiers and have some 300lb guy eating a quarter pounder controlling it from a desktop.

wow that is crazy, technology is making the futuristic call of duty video games come to life

I saw they are going to start using this technology with flight attendants. crazy.

Thanks for sharing this great post!

war become a game.

Man I really like the content you pump out for us! so much information

Very interesting. We are living in science fiction

This is where things are going undoubtedly.

Interesting posts... Thx :)

it should be kept under wraps though