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RE: Song of the day - Futureal

in #technology3 years ago

nutverse: since the wish to spend considerable time in a metaverse, one must be ready for the nuthouse {LOL}

second life: stolen from the metaverse that was already around 2 decades ago and to me symbolises what the metaverse can bring most of us, the idea of a new life that can be much more modelled by the user him or herself. some will lose themselves completely in the metaverse, leaving first life behind them. {edje: too serious}

verse: making words more minimalistic. why meta in front of it? it'll be poems, verses. the meta part makes the whole thing sound like a summary, very superficial, without any depth, where nuances are lost, like with metadata. {edje: still way too serious}

counterreal; no explanation needed I think :)

areal: same same but different :)


Like your ideas :)

some will lose themselves completely in the metaverse, leaving first life behind them

already happening, will be even we might change roles and metavers will be reality&life and physical world, still known as real world, will be just solidverse :D (solid, like made of solid, firm, elements)

hahahaha solidverse! that'll be something. In the end, only a few 'degenerates' will live in the solidverse whilst the rest are cocooning in super large storage houses Matrix model spending 24x7 in the other worlds... even sleeping and 'dreaming'. Ah well, I'll be in the solidverse, most of my time at least. Must say, tried Decentraland a few weeks ago. Within 5 minutes I was out again. Not sure if this was my impatience, or just the whole look and feel is not what I expect from a metaverse. I do hope the guys behind Everdome will make the experience better. They will use Unreal Engine for the graphics which makes the whole look and feel much better, or should at least.

Physics have a problem with multiverse hypothesis, no way to prove it, but in metaverse, multiverse will be reality, one will be able to switch from one world to another, or be in every of them at the same time; then, metaverse scientists will try to figure out laws of influence - how behavior in one affects the rest of them LOL


Owwww, we gonna soooo much complicate everything with all these metaverses. Fact is, we will give room for more scientific work. At some stage am pretty sure Facebook (euhm, Meta) will execute behavioural analyses to our profiles in metaverses to try and 'sell' us something in the physical world... pfffff.... what a GREAT time ahead of us... well at least INTERESTING time ahead of us, since GREAT is still to be seen).