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RE: Decentralized and Blockchain Based Internet Coming Soon ?

in #technology7 years ago

People who believe in conspiracies or who obsess about the Bilderberg group are not work paying attention to. It's an unprofitable rabbit hole of poor critical thinking. Read A Demon Haunted World by Carl Sagan to better understand critical thinking and how to avoid pseudoscience bullshit and conspiracy theory blabble.


You know, you give me hope, but just look around you. Why cant Vitalik Buterin answer a simple question? That question is soooo important. If you didnt catch it, watch it again. Also, why has Putin already started to itergrate ETH in their economy?

What I think is that all this crypto is just a learning tool for the ones who got in early. This will allow them to each the others when they HAVE to integrate into this digital monetary system that is forming around us.

Once this is implemented the Elites will have us by the balls.


Eye rolls forevs

Look what happened right after my post. I moved everything to Tether the day before and 3/4 is still there.

Read my past posts....


The way society works right now has made everyone paranoid beyond belief haha.

A true Digital Panopticon panopticon-image.jpg

Good point... Scary indeed.... Will any cryptos be safe from this all seeing digital economy? Are the likes of Monero and other 'anon' cryptos truly safe to use as an 'off-the-grid' user?

We beginning to see how volatile they really are....


Well done!
Question everything. Nothing is as it seems any more and the rabbit hole is deep and winding.

You see what happened to ETH right after I posted this? People should have taken notice on several fronts: 1. ETH was worth $7 in Jan. 2. It is our enslavement. 3. It will turn into the ·System of the Beast." 4. It is the "Internet of Things!"


I have to say, many conspiracies are fact. Critical thinking usually leads to suspicion of what's presented. Testing it against other information is vital in coming to some sort of conclusion. In the case of Ethereum, there are many great things about it that I think will benefit society as we fight against and tear down the current fiat system. However, just because we tear down one system, doesn't mean the new one won't have the tentacles of the elite cabal all over it.

I outlined some things in a video in my second post ever on steemit (which was today), and you actually commented on that post as look for the rest of my response there.

Most conspiracies are not fact. Conspiracies are incredibly difficult for human beings to pull off because human beings are weak and fallible and not omnipotent. Sigh. It's really sad to see someone write: "conspiracies are fact."

I've zero interest in"debating" you on this because if you think that, you're lost relative to anything I'd ever find interesting.

Truly, good luck and I hope you find what you're looking for.

@eeks Big difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory..for anyone to beLIEve anything is a bad practice, notice the root word of knowledge is to know:) Saying who's worth paying attention to is subjective, opinions are subjective I like rock music you don't who's wrong or right? All subjective, cheers!

Your arguments are those that missed the age of enlightenment, which is what the US, modernity, and science are built on. Science is literally "knowing" and it's built on facts, on what's provable, importantly, on what's disprovable", and on doing the work.

The root of "science" is "Scire." It's not "Credo." There's a difference, and that difference is crucial. Man's goal should be Scire, not giving up or being lazy and just focusing on Credo.

Next time I will agree with your subjective the fact you didn't like not the fact I gave constructive feedback and you didn't up-vote me almost like your rubbing in my face nanana bobooo i have power to say im right and your wrong! Anyhow congrats your steem power won this ego battle..cheers!!!

Yes, you do have the power to decide what you think. I don't think science is a "subjective" view though -- I mean one can make that argument it is and you can deconstruct everything semiotician style and say that communication between two people is impossible, technically, and also nothing can ever be objective. But that time of circlejerk conversation is pretty boring and it's more of a useless debating tactic than something that can allow some to live a more enlightened or more profitable life.

I will say that looking into your profile, you're doing fascinating things. I hope you make on American Ninja Warrior, and when you're on it, I'll root for you. Cheers.

Thank You, Will Do My Best On There!!!

When you get on, you can tell them on TV that "Eeks from the internet believes in me."

Haha..I will make sure I do so, just because I know you do!

Haha and then he mentions Carl Sagan

Your comment is unclear. Can you clarify it? What's the significance of highlighting my mention of Carl Sagan.

Carl Sagan is working for fake news. Do some research on his early years.

Right. Uhm. Good luck in life. no ... he is not ..... are you actually serious? Spend 5 minutes reading about his life and you'll figure out his goals were aligned with spreading scientific awareness .... not 'fake news' lol....

Do you believe in any conspriacies? I mean history is one conspriacy after another why would the present be any different?

My mom was a history professor, I was a history major, and I have immersed myself in more history study and reading of all kinds than almost anyone I've ever met. I reject "history is one conspriacy after another" [sic] as very poorly informed. What a weird twisted way to conceive of history. It's simply not.

Well then. We have nothing more to say to each other. Best wishes