That's a very optimistic way of seeing the blockchain-technology-future.
I ask myself what material is going to be used for all the homemade productions you talk about. As I am not familiar with 3D printers I wonder what resources would be needed. Also, I ask myself if things are so easily produced by printing them how the products are going to last or to function. I just cannot imagine having printed my furniture or materials I need in the kitchen and so on. Is it all plastic then? As plastic is a major problem for the eco-system I am concerned with health and environment.
If governments cannot collect taxes what common goods will be provided by the individual who can print everything he wants? Also, the most vulnerable issue, which is food, will then probably be taxed as still transportation and distribution must be taken care of. So when the tax on food is going to rise that will be a problem when it's not compensated by other products to be taxed...
Also, as blockchain technology (same with printing) needs a lot of energy the great energy providers of today will get a hold on this. As I see it we are far from green energy - most of what is tagged as "green" is more of a public relation effort and the resources needed for wind or solar energy a problem of itself. The hunger for electricity is huge and it's doing a lot of damage.
As much as I am in favor of getting rid of centralized control I have questions. What if this technology will be used by insurances (health care or others) as well to my disadvantage? Or how do you see the insurance sector to fit in there?
I am all in favor to get some things back into the hands of the people and not having to feer "corporations" as we do nowadays. I am in favor for small-scale solutions and would like the cities to alter more into green gardens and gaining back the knowledge of how to grow food and establish little community cells instead of having everything done by the officials. It would give people back a sense of responsibility and meaning if they would be responsible for food (and also shelter, which I cannot imagine how to get this back other than to live off grid). So, I like the thought of "prosuming" when it is not developing into more senseless consumerism.
How do you see your future when you add food production like I did?