The schools are indeed sending the kids straight to the unemployment queue but that is not even the worst problem

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

Technology has primarily, and still displaces, assembly-line workers and paper pushers.

Anybody repeating the same operation all over again, especially within the same workday, will eventually find himself displaced.

Another problem is that other jobs in which you can keep repeating the same operation all over again throughout the day, are also being automated away.

What we are witnessing is the wholesale generalization of a core principle in software engineering: Don't repeat yourself. If you are repeating yourself, you are doing something wrong, and it will not last long before it will backfire.

Hence, if you experience what you are doing as boring, the activity is dangerous in more than one way. Boredom is, in fact, a warning signal.

The education system focuses on training the children for repetitive (aka, "boring") work, aka assembly line or paper pushing. The education system teaches them to accept boredom as normal, while it is not.

It may have been normal in the 19th and 20th century industrial society, but that was an anomaly. It is dangerous in nature, because it makes you too predictable for predators and for prey. Nature is simply re-asserting itself. A taste for, or a dependency on, boring work is dangerous, because these jobs are rapidly disappearing.

We experience boredom when our environment does not produce enough Shannon entropy. Nassim Taleb also warned for that problem in "Antifragile: things that benefit from disorder".

We are fundamentally antifragile. Hence, we benefit -- up to a certain point -- from disorder.

The information that reaches us from our environment must contain enough disorder, or else, we will not just get bored but also lose the ability to deal with disorder.

The less disorderly information a job produces, or requires you to produce, the easier it is to automate. Hence, it is the same problem all over again.

So, yes, the kids are bored, and the education system is busy destroying the next generation in certainly more than one way.

There is a long list of things that the education system does, that will inevitably lead to insurmountable problems. There is a long list of dangerous, red alerts.

It is quite simple to demonstrate that the education system is even busy destroying the ability to engage in sound sexual reproduction. Mixing teenagers of both genders was already a dangerous experiment. Apparently, quite a few of these girls no longer think much of sex, to the point that it is apparently even ok for them to exchange sex for free rent, or to get financial help in exchange for sex to pay off student loans. The banality of sex is clearly reaching new lows.

The growing banality of sex and the fact that adultery easily leads to divorce, are on a collision course. People who believe in the banality of sex are obviously not suitable for marriage.

The fact that the education system is sending the kids straight to the unemployment queue is actually one of the lesser problems that it is causing. Seriously, there is way worse than that. The situation is very bad; and probably several orders of magnitude worse than you can imagine right now. It is truly catastrophic.