I was born in 1951...when computers were the size of buildings and used enough electricity to power small towns.
I've been following graphene since it's discovery. It's definitely a game changer. Those who predict the demise of moore's law are uninformed.
I assume it'll become Moore's law of Graphene?
Moore's law is a special case of a general principle.
Wow! Computers the size of buildings!! I can't even imagine that. We've surely come a long way since and if the potential of graphene is realised, we will be further along like never before.
and that was just the equivalent of the CPU...the input out put devices were HUGE...the powersupply was gigantic...it required climate control which was also quite large...
yup...all told it was the size of a building...cost millions of dollars and had less computing power than a modern day vacumn cleaner.
Consider my mind = blown!!!
heh...I used to work on that stuff.
I recall when I could OUT TYPE the system...I had to intentionally type slow.