Future Technology | Your Eyes can Now be Turned into Lasers like Superman

in #technology7 years ago (edited)


As time is Passing, Science has advanced through new Levels. Scientist are able to make Impossible Possible! Have you ever Wondered To Scan A Barcode or a QR Code with your Own Eyes? Or to Aim at something with a Laser coming Out of your Eyes? Or to Scan authentication features on Currency Note?


This Should be something out of a Sci-Fi Movies or Something out of Fantasy!

But Scientist from St. Andrews University has turn This Fantasy into Reality by Developing a Tiny Membrane Laser with the help of Organic Semi-conductors which will give your eyes a Super Power!

This Technology is Now in testing Phase, Currently being tested on Cow's eyes! But it will soon be in Practical Use.

This Technology will help to identify Sharp lines on flat background (like ones and Zeros on barcode) with naked eye which will further Advance the Applications in Security, Biophotonics and Photo Medicine.

"Our Work Represents a New Milstone in Laser development, and in particular , points the way to how laser can be used inherently soft and Ductile Environment, be it in wearable sensors or as an Authetication feature on bank note"
Team Member, Professor Matle Gather.

So That time is Near we would have Vision and Super Powered Eyes like Superman! 😍

GIF Image Source:


My cat has laser eyes. 20170102_221621.jpg

No idea why it uploaded sideways though..

Lol! She must have laser eyes and the ability to walk upside down.. 😂

@zeldathecat is spider cat. Lmfao! 😱😂😂

Purrrr I am spiderrr kitty. I eat spiders.