I could forgive you for not reading this piece.
Samsung just revealed the new Galaxy S8 while all the rest of the major announcements have been completed over the past two months.
This is exactly the kind of article I hate reading from other people, because of its introspective and highly speculative nature. I prefer to make my judgments on available facts, not on hearsay or rumors. This happens, of course, every year.I'm talking about the shared experience of anticipatory anxiety among my breed of technology writers preceding the release of the new iPhone, which, this year, Should I buy it? Should I pass? What should I say? Should I say anything? When should I say it?Arguably, there are much more important and pressing things going on in the world to worry about. I liken this to being a fashion, luxury goods writer or art writer in Europe during the 1930s.The world outside is very scary, but we must continue to focus on the industry we know -- and pretend that it is still important, which, I guess, it is.It's good to look forward to something, even if it's a fragile $1,000 glass, aluminum, and silicon sandwich most mortal humans cannot realistically afford.Every year since the iPhone 5 was released, I've elected to say, "Yes, I'm buying it." I've bought a new generation of iPhone every single year. I've also done this with iPads, without fail.
that nice