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RE: Technology; The Necessary Doom of Mankind.

in #technology7 years ago

I totally agree. I think the problem is that technology is so hyped up right now that people believe whatever they tell them. There are many interest to be able to control us more and more as time passed with bogus excuses like 'terror' and that the only way to solve it is to have us controlled %100. And this is a LIE. I work in the tech industry and there are things I do not agree with. But people need to understand they have to question more everything and not assume that just because it is technology it is going to be good. For example, Elon Musk has advised on the dangers of AI and some people dismiss this as "paranoid" or "not true" but the reality is that we are at a turning point in history and we have to be careful. The goal of AI is to become self aware in the name of security and this means later everything will want to be automatic and that we ddo not do anything, not even move a finger. We were not made to NOT move a finger and stay in a couch all day, no way. We are active human beings that need to move , take actions and LIVE. We cannot live in a world were EVERYTHING is automatic, that's ridiculous. We need to question and study more everything. But now days we are lead to believe that everything that is shown to us on TV is the truth and thats actually NOT the case.


following you now dude.

Just followed you too

The issue of automation and bots is a common problem in our present world, with lots of discoveries currently surfacing in the form of AI. I'm scared very soon bot will take over every of our job thus limiting human interaction. Hopefully humans interactive strength will win the war against this advancing technology.
I'm very happy you are a tech person and still have a good understanding on the risk of AI