Hello Steemians!
Innovation exists for a long time and represents the heart of the evolution of societies. But since a few years the word "innovation" is more and more used with the arrival of a market always more competitive and with the exponential development of the new technologies. The concept of innovation being rather vast and fuzzy, we'll see what is innovation with a short theoretical part and with reveling exemples.
We can distinguish 2 categories of innovation : rupture innovation and incremental innovation.
Disruptive innovation :
This kind of innovation concerns big changes in a product or in a method.
Generally a disruptive innovation includes a change of technologie and a change of habits.
But exemples are stronger than theory!
There is a man that represent perfectly disruptive innovation : Elon Musk.
image credits
Elon Musk created several companies based on disruptive innovations.
With Paypal he creates a new system of payment, with Tesla he creates electric cars, with Space X he creates the first private company with the aim to travel to Mars...
Each company is the first in his field and use a new concept or technologie, it's why he is disruptive innovator.
To give other exemples, Apple made a famous disruptive innovation with the Iphone, because it was the first smartphone without a guide to use it. No company propose it before.
Now let interest with the seconde kind of innovation.
Incremental innovation:
Incremental innovation refers to little improvements without major changes.
For exemple, the image above represents the different incremental innovations for phones. Each phone is an evolution of the previous, but the product has the same fonction and use as his predecessor. In this picture, I voluntary didn't mention smartphones, because the passe to simple phones to smartphones is a disruptive innovation, the fonction has change and the use too.
Thank you for reading and see you soon!
Don't hesitate to correct me if I make mistakes in English ;)