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RE: Finds old computer in charity shop store - BUYS!! - dreams of childhood!

in #technology8 years ago

Oh wow! I'm old enough to remember using cassette tapes and then moved to the big "floppy" disks. That was such a step up!

I was doing accounting and storage was a never ending issue in the beginning. Many people would still do things by hand and be quicker. That was only my first couple of years though and then we were off to the races.

You got a collector's item!


I remember the floppy disk collection of backups I had! How weird that was! Not it's all on memory sticks!!

I remember labeling the darn things and they were always lost somewhere or the tech guy had them. so glad they are gone. Now I use memory cards and life is good :)

Ha ha! Thanks for that memory fragment @fitforfun :)

My useless knowledge is vast :)