Gave a talk on this subject a while ago. To me it makes more sense to approach the question from the opposite angle: Which human abilities and valuable traits will it be most difficult for an AI to adopt?
To me those were:
- Curiosity (The AI works with defined problems, but do not come up with new ones to solve)
- Creativity (The AI works with established methods, but does not invesnt new ones outside the model it is set to optimize)
- Initiative (The AI will work on any task given, but will not take the initiative to start new ones without command)
- Multidisciplinarity (The AI works excellent within one topic, but much of the value-added is from seeing the overlaps and synergies between different fields)
- Empathy. New product and service development should be human centred. And be something a customer wants. An AI can deliver a solution to a known customer need, but can not understand new needs.
image from my talk
Anyways, I guess I'll have to write my own post on the subject :P
Emotions play a huge part in human life and work.If you think about it "that feeling" drives people.Think about Steve jobs being thrown out of APPLE... robots