Hi Everyone,
If you're iCloud users, please be aware of a phishing email (see below) that starts floating around today which the sender's name look to be a legitimate Apple's email [email protected]
Phishing Definition from wiki(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phishing)
but when you look closely enough at the sender address, you'll notice it's NOT actually from Apple.com.
Also, there is an obvious mistake in that email so I am alerted not to click on the link from within that email, and checking further on the sender's real email address.
See attached screen capture and tell me if you can spot that obvious mistake in your comment below and upvote this post.
Now, I am 100% sure that's a phishing scam, so just in case you receive any similar Apple's email about your iCloud account, please do check carefully before clicking on links.
It seems Apple's spam filter doesn't work this time on this sender, so I put this email address below for reference.
Phishing email sender address -
Thanks for watching.
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