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RE: I choose to Self Own instead of Cell-Phone! Smashing My Phone After Learning The Industry Covers Up Cancer Risks From Phones.

in #technology8 years ago

Everyone should smash their phone, there should be a special day for it. Smash your phone day. I've known about cancer risks for years and hate talking to people on the phone. Luckly I have no friends so my cancer risk is very low.

Check out 5G they can use it to do some wicked things, no need to worry about getting cancer from the phone, they can fry you anywhere, with the towers.

Although they can't get me, because I have a secret technology its a tachyon powered tinfoil hat that deflects the cancer causing waves back at them.


It's impressive that you have sourced tin foil since I didn't even know it had been made in the last few decades. You can find scientific research and whistleblower testimony on microwave radation's harmful effects here: