Can't begin to tell you how much I agree with everything you said here. The how you start your day thing has been on my mind a lot lately, for some reason, and it does set the tone for the entire day. Scrolling seems so toxic, even if you're on social media (as opposed to the news), you end up feeling so sluggish and anxious...
Journaling, I'm finding elusive between writing on here, and channeling my thoughts into fiction. 🤔🤔 or is journaling that different? It may be I've missed the point.
All of this, 100%. You have a great outlook on things.
There's a noticeable difference for me between the days I read a passage and those days I forget. The topic that usually is the most toxic for me in regard to scrolling is crypto. The algorithms send a steady stream of the things you pay the most attention to and, especially lately, the news hasn't been very up-lifting.
Journaling, for me, is just usually more personal stuff that I wouldn't always share publicly and also cataloguing my dreams.
Thank you @honeydue! I'm glad you enjoyed this and I hope your week is going well!
Oh, I imagine that can get depressing quickly. Maybe balance it with something positive? 'Cause I don't think stopping looking at the bad is necessarily an option. Just like forgetting all the good things isn't :)
Thanks for your answer! Appreciate it. And yes, my week's great. hope yours is too!
I have to constantly remind myself that the negative stories have a purpose, to lower prices and drive people out of the market. I just heard three major US banks have increased their exposure to BTC to the tune of $3B just in the past week alone. This is a good indicator of what happens next.
Thank you! The week's been good. I have a birthday coming up on Sunday so we're trying to figure out where to celebrate.
Your own, I take it (since you did mention it was coming up, some posts back)? Many happy returns, my friend! I hope you chase down a dream, and an adventure (at least) this coming year. :D I hope you do something that freaks you out (but in a good way).
Thank you! Yes, I'll be 52 this weekend. I'm very excited about this next year. I'll be publishing my next book and, hopefully, will get the comic strip launched. I'm thinking very seriously about naming it maelstrom of f*ckery. : ) I hope you have a great weekend!
I'm loving it already xD and I'm very curious about the book. So looking forward to both, really!
you too!