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RE: Online Gaming Bot Use and Its Relevance to the Real World

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

Those who specialize and still have jobs will be able to live in much better conditions, but the regular person will be taken care of and wont have to worry about the stress that a job carries.

Do you really believe that? If that was true, our population would spiral out of control more than it is now.

We can't keep reproducing the human race at this rate, and have bots support us.

Humans are the complete opposite of an endangered species. We're more plentiful than mosquitos. More plentiful than bees. More plentiful and more ecological damaging than most mammals on this planet.

The regular person who is not contributing to the economy wouldn't be taken care of is a reality that must be faced.

If you look at the movie Solylent Green from 1973, we're getting much closer to that happening and it's becoming a very inherent possibility now.

If you haven't seen that 1973 film staring Charlton Heston, it's a movie that every single person should see.

Back then the movie was a psychi-fi (scifi) fantasy of a tale when the human population rate was out of control. Lands were infertile from being overworked, there just wasn't enough food to feed humans, wildlife, or anything anymore except the working class. The rest of the humans were definitely not taken care of... the only way they could be fed was (it would be a movie spoiler, so I won't continue)


I partially believe it, I think people take advantage, but when living conditions rise the birthrates go down. All evidence show that population growth will slowly plateau, if not drop completely. The point is more to think about other alternatives to the current economic system we believe in now because it wont be possible to use Keynesian economics in a world where human life is of little value.

Good, I hope so... we'll all see for sure, won't we? :)

Great movie...wicked twist of an ending at the time.

Likely would'n raise an eyebrow these days though. ✌️

I agree. We're so use to this like this now... it wouldn't shock any of us. That is a real problem we need to be aware of and stop letting it continue. :(

So true...those who jump out before things reach the boiling point should be fine. I think we're seeing natural selection in action. :-/