lol! I like the nickname Farcebook and that meme reminds me of that!
A truck inspection every 120 days?? jeez. And how much does that cost? What does the inspection entail, is it another racket, or joke?
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Haaaaa..... FMC$A. = Fed Motor Carrier $$$$afety$$$ Assoc.
Ju$t another big bloated Gov. Agency. Lining their pocket$ in the name of $afety.....
8 out of 10 truck accidents are caused by smaller vehicles. Every year it is so.... Statistics do not lie.
So what does FMC$A do..... More truck regulations. That should fix everything right..... Smfh.
Posted using Partiko Android
ha! exactly. and those inspections cost hundreds of dollars?
Only if things need repaired. I try to fix things B4 they are bad enough to fail you on an inspection.
Landstar pays for inspection if you pass them. But Landstar also takes .35 cents of every dollar i make.......
Whats with all those Freaky Birds in your town...?
Posted using Partiko Android
Must be following the truckers in! I have no idea, that's a little bit freaky!
Holy smokes...landstar takes .35 out of every dollar! Landstar is who you get your loads through?
Yes. They are a HUGE corporate monster. All owner opts leased on. No company steering wheel holders.
Posted using Partiko Android
Sitting here..... Waiting....
Looks like i may escape the 120 day harrassment uninjured financially..... LoL
Posted using Partiko Android
oh I see, if you pass the inspection they don't force you to pay a fortune to repair whatever they find. That's so nice of them.
Can i take a few days off now Mr. @janton ....? LoL
Posted using Partiko Android
lol..absolutely sir krazzytrukker! you just saved hundreds of dollars probably. I'd say it's time to take a couple days off and take the Missus out to dinner.
Done..... She already picked the place. Lol
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