Ancient Technology In Africa - Michael Tellinger

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

This presentation totally blew my mind when i first saw it. Michael Tellinger has been researching the stone circles in Africa, finding over 100,000 of these ancient structures.

He says they could possibly be ancient energy devices..

If you can spare a couple of hours.. be sure to watch this ;)


Imagine how far we can go if we trow out all stupid dogmas in science

Nice post..

How do i post a picture in the comments? Ive seen an image of Mary and Joseph using smart phones and taking a selfie

It's the same code as a post.. so try doing a post.. upload an image and it will give you the code :)

Yeah... Or simply drag and drop if you have the image stored on your local Laptop/PC...

Drag and drop.. some gold information there.. +1 upvote for you kind sir :)

Yes, our 'official HIS story' is far from accurate!

History is written by the winners.

Sadly the winners are a bunch of scum bags lol..

Love this guy. Have watched many of his videos, explaining REAL "our story". There is alot of things hidden from us because the "powers that be" have not viable explanation for them that continues the LIE that they like to uphold.

Very interesting. Me too.