Thank you. Current generation of chip implants is quite limited, they are not connected to any world-wide technology, are passive and do not have any special features. Previous generation of RFID chips even brought cancer risk, etc. Technology that will be used for the Mark of the Beast will be IMHO on the other hand pretty tempting providing access to at least financial but I expect also to medical and information system of the world. Maybe it will even promise kind of passive income to all holders. It may even introduce some "enhancement" of human body directly connected to some neural centers, able to monitor body, DNA and even able to "fix" it. I expect it will be pretty tempting piece of technology that majority of the population not knowing (or believing) God's Word will gladly accept and will not understand why certain group of Christian are be so strictly refusing it. But who knows how it will exactly look like - we are not yet there yet although it's close. But sure thing is that it will fulfill the Biblical criteria - it will be forced and it will be the only way how to use world financial services. In this sense even "stupid" RFID chip would do it. Everything else is more or less optional depending how they will desire to "sell" it to people.
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