Anyone that uses the term conspiracy theorist, which was Invented, by the CIA, to discredit anyone who questioned the assassination of JFK, Is obviously pushing propaganda. Just like Wikipedia which was Invented as a control system by the same CIA, which Is run by the Rothschild Talmud worshiping pedophiles, who practice the ritual sacrifice of people.
of course, you are 100% correct, obviously.
just go read all my stories over the last year. you'll see for yourself that I am the reincarnation of Satan himself because everything I push is "propaganda," according to your definition, as was probably learned on YouTube - because every bit of information that comes out on YouTube is 100% factual and truthful because it is not propaganda according to your definition. 😂
and BTW - you completely discredited your own argument...
I never questioned the assassination of JFK.
Hence, I'm not obviously pushing propaganda.
I was about to congratulate you on outstmarting an entire elite cabal of global networks by regurgitating YouTube content propagated by YouTube "truthers". But guess that woulda been too quick, as I completely missed where you totally negated your own argument.
BTW, if you go to the actual definition of propaganda:
much of the content you've been studying fits the definition as well. propaganda doesn't just come from governments. it can come from quackpots stuck in low-theta pushing their own agendas who've jumped to conclusions due to cognitive bias and report facts in the context of storylines.
as such, you fit the definition of a propaganda-pusher far more accurately than I do, within the context of this entire conversation.
What I'm speaking Is Truth, I asked Jesus to lead me to the real truth of what was going on and since then my Intuition has guided me to the Truth. Here Is some more from my research.
well surely something as solid and tangible as "intuition" could never, ever be wrong or influenced by biased viewpoints, YouTube's suggested videos algorithm, cognitive bias, or anything else - especially after asking Jesus.
I guess I must have done something horribly evil, cuz he still didn't deliver on that Ferrari I asked him for.
Or maybe I am the devil. after all, I do live in the apartment number 216 - which is 6x6x6. Fuck.