Sweat is often termed as an annoyance and we have always tried to stop it. What if we can use this annoying sweat as a form of energy to power our electronics?? The future is here, we can do this now. With the new wearable innovation, we can convert sweat into electrical energy and use this to power our electronics.
Researchers at University of California, San Diego put forth their own latest wearable which is a flexible square patch that can be wore onto the skin. The enzymes on the device feed on the sweat to produce power that is stored in a biofuel cell.
Though this wearable is just a few centimetres in size but it is enough to generate power for a radio to run for 2 days. Well it is quite a good amount of power generated from something we don't want. The coming versions of this device is proved to be capable of generating about 10 times the power of the current version, meaning we will be able to charge our smartphone while running on treadmill. It's a good deal, giving sweat for a full charged smartphone.
While we are thinking on to only charging our phones with the power generated, the scientists have thought of much bolder application of the sweat powered technology. The scientists have decided to use this technology in health monitors. These health monitors will be able to check the blood sugar level, amount of lactic acid produced during exercise and many more. The power generated would power the Bluetooth connection which can deliver all the information to the smartphone connected to it, allowing the user make real time checks.
The sweat powered technology has a huge scope in the future and it will surely will be a market king if it is released in an affordable price. The researchers have said that this technology will be available in an affordable price in the market soon. So whenever it is released we are eager to get it as soon as it hits the market.