Hi there,
this is the first short blog post about my PC desk "Spike" which I am building myself.
Here I will post some pictures of my project and some other information. (Maybe some days in one post)
I am Jannis from Germany so please let me know in the comments, if I can correct any mistakes. ;)
If you´ve got some questions or like my project, I would be really happy, if you´d upvote my post, post a comment or follow me :)
I designed my desk in a 3d software and also built it myself (But it is not completed yet).
Some companies also liked my project and sent me some nice hardware.
Huge thanks to: Aquatuning (Alphacool+Phobya), Caseking, Coolermaster, Msi and Nvidia.
without them my project wouldn´t be possible.
So here are the first pictures + a little bit of information:
(The pictures aren´t in 4k res. for people who don´t have fast internet) ;)
This was the "first worklog in a blogpost". I will post another one within the next days, so if you like my project I would be really happy if you follow me, because I just started a week ago and want to try this platform out. :)
If you found any mistakes please write a comment so that I can correct it.
Thanks for any upvotes comments etc.!