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RE: Does your smartphone create 'brain drain' just by being around you?

Very informative and eye opening topic. It's true that people nowadays are heavily relying on their mobile phones. As for me, it is my main source of income. Why? When you do stock/ forex trading, you need to stay updated with the online prices or when you are about to sell something, majority of the leads come from the internet. Our world is becoming online now. We already passed through the industrial age wherein the kind of work must be physical. It's quite an advantage because executions are made fast and automatic. But somehow, it deteriorates some our our cognitive abilities that only physical activities and interactions can offer. Well, I think the best solution for that is to strike a right balance of having both online and physical life. It's possible by setting up a schedule, let's say, "4 times a day I will check my mobile phone- all the messages and emails on it at these corresponding time schedule." It's really important to have a mental discipline to do that.


Good points, being disciplined about it can keep you sharper ;)