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RE: Bots Can Now Write Articles

in #technology6 years ago

Plumbers are pretty safe. Lots of "less prestigious" jobs that require skills moving through three-dimensional space and unpredictable chaotic environments. Information processing (myself included) is in trouble on many levels, but machines still suck at climbing stairs and opening doors. One example is rescue robots at Fukoshima nuclear plant site. And re: writing articles - you said it, journalists need to step up their game. Human language is made up of rules and patterns of syntax, but only human brains can use those tools to express original IDEAS. And that is going to hold true for at least a while.


I would agree in legacy homes yes plumbers would be safe but what about new homes and living spaces being built where things can be compartmentalized and made easier for a bot could do the job? Hotels and such could be going this way, anything at scale would see bot use.

WHile there will still be work for sure, its going to be harder to come by im sure of it. I agree jounalists have been coasting in many avenues and if they're not careful to build an audience, reputation and really show their worth what really makes them different from a bot writing it or even creating videos? I see AI videos are also becoming a thing