Transactions through microchips!?

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

Wisconsin Company Will Implant microchips to their employees!

There's plenty of news to be talked about in the recent months, but there is one in particular that has moved silently in the past few days. As some of us already know. A Wisconsin company named, Three Square Market, is planning to install microchips to their employees. The company has made it clear that they do are not forcing their employees to do  it and have even managed to get 50 volunteers!

If you're unfamiliar with the news please feel free to review this source written by Erik Ortiz from NBC News here for an official review of the topic. 


My Review:

Personally, I believe the use of a microchip may seem viable to many and a more secure way of handling transactions, but the main issue that may arise with this in the near future is privacy. The company has claimed that they will not have a tracking device or GPS embedded within this microchip, but who is to say it won't be considered in the future. Fortunately, these 50 employees "volunteered" for this process. My hope is that they weren't coerced or bribed in any way. I wouldn't like to see something like this go mainstream within the general public. 

If we think back to how we all started with cell phones the great benefit they present today, I'm sure many would love to get their hands on this kind of technology. When we think about the cell phone, yes it can be tracked, but if we choose to not be tracked we can disable location services or better yet, choose to simply leave our phones somewhere else. Imagine what it would be like to not be able to disconnect from technology? 

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