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RE: Outdated Cities

in #technology7 years ago

any system that had people with integrity running it would work fine. but we don't. we have corruption so deep, so incredibly deep, that we now have places like Flint. We have phedophiles in positions of power (pawns of the elite.. but you already know that... don't you?) crimes are committed right out in the open, banks literally extorted billions (trillions?) from the populations via their corrupt practices and subsequent bailout.

but no, everything is fine (per uvas). this fractional banking is the BOMB. (per uvas)

yeah, well... it ain't gonna last much longer! the integrity of humans is on the rise, because they are learning how detrimental it is to their own well being.

yeah, yeah.. so they aren't going to be good because they think it is right, but they will be good when they learn it benefits them.


And setting up a new resource based economy will stop corruption how? It seems to be an even more centrally governed economy. And we all know that centralization leads to corruption.

After reading those, I dislike this project even more.

Can you give some constructive feedback?

Money is a tool. It is not some evil thing. Taking away money will cause the collapse of our civilization.

The main problem with this resource based economy idea is that it thinks resources are not scarce. They are. And a free market price system is the best there is at allocating our scarce resources most efficiently. There is no computer program, no formula, no technician that can match its ability to send accurate information.

Possibly, you should watch this.

never said it would. no system will work until we end the corruption. we could design the most fool proof system, but if people refuse to enact it with honesty and integrity, it will fail.